ICYMI: Workmorphis Partner JFF Awarded $14.5 Million to Advance Economic Mobility for People with Criminal Records

On April 23, Workmorphis partner Jobs for the Future (JFF) announced a $14.5 million award from the Justice and Mobility Fund.

“This investment,” JFF president and CEO Maria Flynn remarked, “will allow JFF to deepen its efforts to create pathways for people impacted by the legal system by expanding talent development pipelines, partnering with employers to implement fair chance hiring practices, and influencing federal and state policies.”

Since its founding in 2022, JFF’s Center for Justice and Economic Advancement (CJEA) has worked diligently to reduce systemic barriers and normalize economic opportunities for individuals with criminal records. According to CJEA vice president and director Lucretia Murphy, the CJEA “share[s] the Justice and Mobility Fund’s commitment to scale the kind of solutions that remove barriers and unlock opportunities for quality jobs that transform lives for millions of people impacted by the legal system—helping people secure and succeed in quality jobs with family-sustaining wages is central to our mission.” 

Workmorphis is a proud partner of JFF and commends the Justice and Mobility Fund for its continued support of the organization. 

For more information on the award, see the full press release

More information on the Center for Justice and Economic Advancement can be found on its website

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